Player Operations Manual

The incessant crackle of a Geiger counter.

The stale smell of the air as the oxygen grows thin.

The cobwebbing of the observation bay window as the thing inside batters against the glass.

Space is slow death, it's panicked breathing consuming the last of your oxygen, it's alien parasites infesting your crew mates.

Space is Hell.

A man in a space suit reaching for a tube shaped device with the number 101 on it. The man appears to be panicked. In the background is a star and some stellar bodies.


A web of invisible, unpredictable strands that connect the known universe.

It is across this web that the diaspora of humanity has spread amongst the stars, risking everything for the hope of a brighter future.

For like their ancestors voyaging across the oceans of old Earth, the crew of these vessels are never quite certain when, or even if they'll arrive at their destination.

The Core

Like an archipelago in the vast black of space, the Core is made up of a handful of systems within a single hyperspace jump of each other. Travel here is relatively predictable and something resembling civilization has taken root, grown and evolved over a millennia of interstellar exploration.

But with stability and security has come regulation, taxation and bureaucracy. Stifling the dreams of the disenfranchised, the adventurous and criminal who once could have carved themselves a piece of the pie. These downtrodden souls now turn their eyes outwards, past the jump-1 limit, to the tantalising promise of the Rim.

The Rim

The frontier of human expansion.

A beacon in the black for those looking to strike it lucky.

A siren song drawing the foolhardy to a cold grave amongst the stars.

Out here what law there is is made by the corporations, criminal syndicates run the space stations and the poor are just one lucky break from the rich.

But for every success story there is a derelict drifting amongst the stars, a crew stranded on an airless moon, and a colony wiped out by some alien plague. The Rim promises much, and takes even more...

Habitation domes of various sizes on a grassy plane. In the background mesas and mountains stretch to the horizon.

Character Creation


Characters have six attributes:

  • Agility Dodge, climb, swim, run, hip fire
  • Cool Resist fear, endure stress, remain sane
  • Dexterity Pilot, reload, aimed fire
  • Intelligence Decipher, repair, calculate
  • Strength Strike, grapple, block, lift, throw, auto fire
  • Toughness Resist poison, endure pain, survive hazards

Determine your starting attributes by rolling on the table. You may then increase one attribute of your choice by 1.

3D6 Attribute Starting Value
3-6 -1
7-10 0
11-14 1
15-17 2
18 3


D20 Why are you in rim space?
1 Owe D10kcr to a loan shark back home
2 Escaping a drug addiction
3 Are wanted in the core for a series of minor crimes committed under a different name
4 To earn enough to raise your family out of poverty
5 Covered up an accident caused by a friend on your last job
6 Are faking it, you're not actually trained in your background or specialism, but nobody out here runs background checks
7 You "found" a suitcase with 100kcr of traceable credit sticks in it, you got nervous after you blew it all and fled
8 On shore leave a stranger died in your arms, he begged you to spread the word and handed you an encrypted micro-data cassette
9 You were raised by an extremist sect of the Solarian church and escaped at age 16
10 You were recently rescued from cryo on a derelict (duration of sleep D100 years)
11 Your last job was a heist that went wrong, you left the rest of your crew for dead and need to escape the guilt
12 The last time you visited a major station in the core you saw a wanted 'dead or alive' poster with your face on it
13 You suffer from Centauri Pox, a non-contagious but stigmatised condition. Nobody out here knows you've got it
14 You don't remember anything from your childhood except vague memories of flashing lights, you're looking for answers
15 You're blacklisted by the union back home for strike breaking
16 You are banned from using public data systems in the core due to cyber crime in your childhood
17 Used to serve on a pirate vessel, the captain didn't want you to leave. You hope they never find you
18 A reckless youth has left you with small debts and enemies across space. If you keep moving your past might not catch up
19 You woke up in a sim suite on shoreleave, you're not sure if your memories are yours or someone elses
20 You fled a marriage arranged by your wealthy parents
D20 Distinctive Feature
1 Facial scars
2 Tribal tatoos
3 Barcode tatoo
4 Loveheart tatoo
5 Smiley face pin
6 Ship's tatoo
7 Piercings
8 Golden tooth
9 Cleft chin
10 Heterochromia
11 Fibre optic hair
12 Unusually tall
13 Unusually short
14 Cauliflower ear
15 Surgically sculpted facial features
16 Badly set broken nose
17 Knuckle tatoos
18 Prostethic arm/leg/eye
19 Unusually thin
20 Unusually broad
D100 Clothing/Accessory
0-3 Mirrored Aviators
4-7 Branded baseball cap
8-11 String vest
12-15 Bomber jacket
16-19 Combats
20-23 Steel capped boots
24-27 Band T-Shirt
28-31 Chequered flannel shirt
32-35 Designer shirt
36-39 Overalls
40-43 Flip flops
44-47 Blue Jeans
48-51 Bandana
52-55 Field jacket
56-59 Tactical shirt
60-63 Trench coat
54-67 Ushanka
68-71 Welding goggles
72-75 Cargo pants
76-79 Company uniform
80-83 Dungarees
84-87 Yellow anorak
88-91 Neon jumpsuit
92-95 Beanie hat
96-99 Fedora
D100 In your pocket is (assume zero weight)
0-3 Flick knife
4-7 Etched Zippo lighter
8-11 Harmonica
12-15 Paracord bracelet
16-19 Pair of fine cigars
20-23 Fake ID
24-27 Designer watch
28-31 Political/holy pocket book
32-35 Bobby pins
36-39 Dog tags (whose?)
40-43 Hip flask (strong spirit)
44-47 Union membership card
48-51 Multi-tool
52-55 Lucky eight ball
56-59 Parole papers
60-63 Pair of loaded dice
64-67 Leatherbound journal
68-71 Micro Data Cassette (music demo)
72-75 Capsule with water purification tablet and 3 waterproof matches
76-79 Locket with holo photo
80-83 Altoid tin with pressure suit patch
84-87 Power cell (suitable for portable electronics)
88-91 Untraceable cred stick (150 credits)
92-95 Compass
96-99 Rosary beads
D10 Birthplace
1 Rim world
2 Core world
3 Terraforming mission
4 Mining outpost
5 Military base
6 Research station
7 Android factory
8 Gene farm vat
9 Anchorpoint station
10 Starship
D10 Credits


Choose a career, and then role for specialism and starting gear:

Astronauts are the sailors of the space age, they maintain starships, load cargo, pilot shuttles and walk in the void of space.

D4 Specialism Equipment
1 EVA Harpoon Grappling Gun, Basic Pressure Suit, Mag boots, Toolkit
2 Starship Maintenance Mag boots, Hi-beam Flashlight, Hazard suit, Cutting Torch, Toolkit
3 Space Freight and Industrial Equipment Mag boots, Nail Gun, Cutting Torch, Flashlight, Recreational Drugs
4 Piloting Pistol, Ammo, Flares, Buzz Stimulant Pills
A female mechanic wearing a uniform with a name badge and knee protection, she is holding a remote control connected to her belt in one hand and a wrench in the other. At her feet is a toolkit.

Marines are professional soldiers, mercenaries, pirates and security contractors.

D4 Specialism Equipment
1 Demolition Shaped Charge, SMG, Cutting Torch, Ammo
2 Marksmanship Marksman's rifle, Ammo
3 Close Quarters Combat Mesh Armour, 12 Gauge Shotgun, Ammo, Frag Grenade
4 Tracking and Xeno-containment Motion Tracker, Incinerator Unit, Ammo
A soldier in camouflage, wearing a respirator with a rifle slung over one shoulder. One arm hangs at their side while the other points a pistol towards the camera.

Officers are those with the experience and training to have either earned or be trusted with command positions on a starship.

D4 Specialism Equipment
1 Command and Corporate Law EVA Pistol, Ammo, Data Casette, Mesh Armour
2 Security SMG, Handcuffs, Ammo, Armoured Pressure Suit
3 Medicine Medkit, Stimpack, Panic-Eeze Pills, Combat Application Tourniquet, Adrenaline
4 Communications and Navigation Long Range Radio, Tracker, Comms Device
A woman facing the camera, her hands in her pockets. She is wearing trousers and a blazer that is appears to be ceremonial, on her chest are pinned medals.

Pioneers are knowledge seekers, explorers, and hackers. Always looking for new information and artifacts to study or sell.

D4 Specialism Equipment
1 Fieldcraft and Survival Combat Knife, Hi-beam Flashlight, Camping Gear, Water Purification Tablets, Ration Pack, Rucksack
2 Computers and Hacking Portable Terminal, Data Cassette, Electroshock Grenade
3 Xenobiology and Archaelogy Comms Device, Flares, Recon Drone, Hi-beam Flashlight
4 Physics and Chemistry Broad Spectrum Specimen Analyser, Geiger Counter, Mentat Pills
A man interacts with a holographic display in the air in front of him. He is wearing some sort of armour or space suit.


Tests are against a specified attribute: Agility, Cool, Dexterity, Intelligence, Strength or Toughness.

Roll D20 + your score for the attribute to equal or exceed Difficulty Rating (DR) to pass a test.

If you have a relevant specialism add 4 to your roll.

Push yourself by gaining 1 stress before rolling to add 4 to your roll.

Critical success occurs on a natural roll of a 20.

Panic occurs on a natural value equal or below your current stress and causes the test to automatically fail. Consult the panic table using the value rolled on the D20.

Non player characters (NPCs) do not roll in most circumstance, if you want to prevent an NPC's action you must pass a test. E.g. to successfully take cover from an enemy trying to shoot you test agility.

Test Difficulty Rating (DR) Description
12 Standard
15 Hard
18 Nearly impossible

Testing Supply

Certain items, including ammunition, oxygen, and medicine have a supply rating.

To test supply, roll the dice corresponding to the current supply for that item.

On a 1 or 2 the supply rating of the item decreases to the next rating.

Supply ratings: D20 -> D12 -> D10 -> D8 -> D6 -> D4 -> Used up

Stress and Panic

Characters gain stress when they:

When making a test on an attribute, if the value rolled on the D20 is equal to or less than your current stress you panic. Consult the table below using the value rolled on the D20.

D20 Roll Result
1 Adrenaline rush: +1 Agility, toughness and strength on next test or until end of combat
2-4 Anxiety: Gain 1 stress
5 Rage: You strike the nearest object or person, if there's nothing within arms reach you throw an item in your hands or on your person as hard as you can
6 Hysterics: Everyone around you gains 1 stress
7 Shaken: -4 cool until you relax or sleep
8 Tremors: -4 dexterity until you relax or sleep
9 Phobia: You gain a phobia based on the cause of your panic. Every time you encounter the cause again in future gain 1 stress
10+ Heart Attack: You are incapacitated, make a death save



In a round enemies act as one group, while all other characters act in another group. Within these groups characters act in any order they choose.

Within you can take a single action, e.g. firing a weapon or running a short distance.

If it is unclear if something is a single action, test agility. If passed then the action happens this round, otherwise it takes place the next round.

Unless one side has surprised the other roll a D6, on a 1-3 enemies act first.


Distance is abstracted into three ranges, how effective weapons and methods of firing are at different ranges affects difficulty ratings:

  • Touch: Pistols, knives and fists are most effective. Aimed fire is impossible.
  • Close: SMGs, shotguns and incinerators are most effective. Full auto fire and firing from the hip are easier than aimed fire.
  • Far: Aimed fire is most effective, precision weapons like marksman's rifles are best.


Aimed fire Test dexterity

Hip fire Test agility

Auto fire Test strength. For every point that DR is exceeded by inflict an extra wound to the target or another target near it (weapon must be Full Auto).

Melee Test strength


Take cover/Dodge Test agility

Block Test strength


If you used a weapon that requires ammunition after combat test ammunition supply. If you used a full auto weapon supply rating decreases on a 1-4.


Characters take wounds when hit by attacks, more dangerous weapons and opponents inflict more wounds.

Critical hits double the number of wounds inflicted.

You can take a maximum of 3 wounds, anytime you reach maximum wounds or take wounds while at your maximum roll on the critical injury table.


Armour has armour points, which are lost when you would take wounds. For every armour point lost, ignore 1 wound.

Armour piercing weapons require 2 armour points per wound ignored.

Armour points can be regained by repairing the armour, requiring tools and 1 hour of work per point.

D10 Critical Injury
1-8 Bleeding Out: Roll again on this table each round after taking your action until combat ends or you roll a different result. This effect stacks for multiple critical injuries
9-10 Incapacitated: Make a death save, you may take no further action until it is resolved
D10 Death Save
1-2 Unconscious: You may take no action until you receive medical attention
3-8 Unconscious and serious injury: Roll or select appropriate result from serious injury table
9-10 Dead.
D6 Serious Injury
1 Brain damage: -2 intelligence
4 Cracked ribs: -2 toughness
2 Hamstrung: -2 agility
3 Torn muscles: -2 strength
5 Ruined hand: -2 dexterity
6 Traumatized: -2 cool

Death Save: Place a D10 in an opaque cup, roll it such that the result is secret. The result is revealed when a character spends a turn to check your vitals.

Rest and Recovery

When you have the chance to catch your breath somewhere safe for at least 15 minutes you may relax to remove 1 stress.

If you have a longer period to rest, you may sleep. Test supply for rations and then sleep:

  • In shifts, keeping watch Remove 1 wound
  • For a full eight hours Remove 1 wound and 1 stress

Environmental Hazards

When exposed to an environmental hazard test toughness. If you fail you are incapacitated, you may take no further action and must make a death save.

Sudden Death

Nuclear explosions, ship weaponry, falling from orbit: Somethings are impossible to survive. The GM must tell characters if they risk sudden death but has final say as to when it applies.

Radiation, pathogens, extreme temperatures, asphyxiation and starvation can all lead to death.

Oxygen not included

If you are relying on O2 tanks for oxygen, test supply:

  • After every test outside of combat
  • At the end of combat
  • When you relax

If your pressure suit or oxygen tank has a leak, its supply decreases on a 1-4.

Character Progression


Individual attributes accrue experience (XP). Once an attribute has 6XP you may increase it by 1 point. Attributes may not be increased above 6 by experience increases.

  • Gain 1XP on an attribute for a test that you fail (but not panic)
  • Gain 1XP on an attribute for a test that you pass with a critical
  • Gain 1XP on an attribute of your choice when your survive a session

Specialist Training

When on shore leave you can undertake training in a specialism.

You can only train one specialism at a time, if you switch specialism before completing training you lose your progress.

Learning a new specialism takes 50 learning points for specialisms from your career or 200 learning points for specialisms from a different career.

You gain learning points for each week of shore leave based on the class of the shore leave location.

Shore Leave

Between missions characters may take shore leave in one week blocks. Each week of shore leave costs a number of credits depending on the class of the place where the shore leave is taken. Shore leave includes rented accommodation as well as food and can be used as a rough cost of living if staying somewhere outside of shore leave.

Whenever you take shore leave remove all wounds and stress. Additionally you may choose one of the following options each week of shore leave:

  • Psychotherapy, addiction rehab or medical treatment: Roll 1D10 + shore leave class. On a 10+ remove one phobia, one addiction or one serious injury
  • Specialist training: Gain learning points equal to shore leave class
  • Casual work: Gain 300cr a week
Class Example Cost Per Week
1 Remote outpost 200cr
2 Military base or colony 300cr
3 Major space station 600cr
4 Core world 800cr
5 Clinic, resort, or specialist facility 1.2kcr


A character can carry a total weight of items equal to their strength + 6. If a weight is given after a / then this is the weight when worn.


Weapons that require ammunition:

Name Wounds Notes Weight Cost
Pistol 2 1 300cr
EVA Pistol 2 Works in Vacuum 1 800cr
Assault Rifle 2 Full Auto 2 500cr
Pulse Rifle 2 Armour Piercing, Full Auto 2 2kcr
Marksman's Rifle 3 Armour Piercing, Thermal, 10X Scope 2 2.5kcr
30mm Cannon 3 Armour Piercing, Full Auto 4 2kcr
12 Gauge Shotgun 2 2 200cr
SMG 2 Full Auto 1 800cr
Plasma Rifle 6 Works in Vacuum 3 20kcr
Smart Gun 2 Armour Piercing, Full Auto, +1 on auto fire 3/2 2.5kcr
Incinerator Unit 2 2 200cr
Automated Turret 2 Internal Ammo Supply 4 3kcr
Micro-howitzer 4 3 15kcr
Laser rifle 4 Works in Vacuum 3 10kcr
Combat Shotgun
2 Full Auto 2 400cr
RPG 8 Armour Piercing 3 1kcr
Underslung grenade launcher 2 1/0 400cr

Weapons that do not require ammunition:

Name Wounds Notes Weight Cost
Harpoon Grappling Gun 2 Works in Vacuum 2 100cr
Anti-personnel mine 3 2 800cr
Frag grenade 3 0.5 200cr
Electroshock grenade 1 1 800cr
Nail Gun 1 Armour Piercing, works in a vacuum 2 100cr
Shaped charge 8 Includes remote detonator 2 500cr
Combat knife 2 1 20cr
Razor 2 Armour Piercing 1 600cr
Unarmed 1 Does not double wounds on critical N/A
Improvised weapon 1 1 N/A

Armour and Suits

Item Armour/Oxygen Notes Weight Cost
Personnel Armour 3/- IR target finder, Comms Device and shoulder lamp 3/1 10kcr
Basic Pressure Suit -/D10 Headlamps, manoeuvre thrusters, shielded against weak radiation. -1 dexterity while worn
3/1 400cr
Armoured Pressure Suit 1/D10 Headlamps, manoeuvre thrusters, shielded against weak radiation. -1 dexterity while worn 4/2 800cr
Hazard Suit -/D6 Radiation proof, 1D4 Oxygen Supply. Includes geiger counter. 2/1 200cr
ACE Suit 5/D6 AG harness, Comms Device, manoeuvre thrusters and smart goggles, shielded against weak radiation. 3/1 30kcr
Mesh Armour 1/- Can be worn under clothing. 1/0 1kcr
Exo Suit 2/- +3 strength, -2 dexterity and agility 20/0 5kcr


Item Notes Weight Cost
Comms Device Monitors location and vitals, records surroundings, provides short range radio 0.5/0 500cr
Portable Terminal Interfaces with most comm tech 1 2kcr
Hi-beam Flashlight 0.5 50cr
Digital Binoculars Includes laser target designation 0.5 2.5kcr
Motion Tracker 1 2kcr
Flares 1 50cr
Toolkit 2 500cr
Medkit D6 Supply 1 500cr
Cutting Torch 1 100cr
Collapsible Ladder 2 50cr
Ration Pack D6 Supply 1 50cr
"Buzz" Stimulant Pills D6 Supply. Removes the need to sleep for 8 hours. Addictive 0.5 400cr
"Panic-eze" Pills D6 Supply. Reduces stress by 4. Toxic 0.5 600cr
Stimpack Single dose. +2 Strength, Agility and Toughness on next test or until end of combat. Removes unconscious condition when used. Toxic 0.5 800cr
Rucksack Increases maximum total weight of items you can carry by 6. -1 agility while worn. 1/0 200cr
Data Casette Robust and encrypted storage for digital data 1 200cr
Recreational Drugs (cigarettes/alcohol) Use to remove 1 stress. Addictive. D8 Supply 0.5 20cr
Luxury Goods (Chocolate Bar, canned coffee) Use when relaxing to remove 1 additional stress. D4 Supply 0.5 20cr
Collapsible Stretcher 2 100cr
Combat Application Tourniquet Removes bleeding out condition when used. Test dexterity to self administer 0.5 100cr
Long Range Radio Allows surface to orbit communications 2 2kcr
Power Pack Recharges devices, provides backup power 3 5kcr
Signal Jammer 3 2.5kcr
Smart Goggles X2 optical zoom, night vision, receives comm device broadcast, IR target finder 0.5/0 3kcr
Mag Boots 1/0 300cr
Anti-radiation Tablets D6 supply 0.5 200cr
O2 Tank D10 supply 2 200cr
Combat Drone Equipped with assault rifle, crude AI 3 1.5kcr
Recon Drone Remote control, includes headset to receive footage, has X2 optical zoom, temperature sensor and geiger counter 1 1kcr
Maintenance Drone Remote control, includes headset to receive footage, built in cutting torch and manipulation arms 5 2kcr
Rope 50m 0.5 20cr
Adrenaline Removes unconscious condition when used 0.5 100cr
Climbing gear Crampons, pitons, 100m rope and hammer 2 100cr
Handcuffs 0.5 20cr
Long Range Beacon Transmits a repeating message with a signal strong enough to reach low orbit. Battery power for up to a year 3 2.5kcr
Broad Spectrum Specimen Analyser 2 1.5kcr
Tracker Pill size tracker, signal range of a hundred miles 0.5 1kcr
Geiger counter 0.5 20cr
Camping gear Tent, stove, sleeping bag, lamp 2 200cr
Water purification tablets D6 supply 0.5 20cr
AG harness 1/0 10kcr
Mentat Pills +2 intelligence on next test or until end of combat. Toxic. D6 supply 0.5 800cr
Cold weather gear 1/0 200cr
Ammunition D6 supply 2 200cr
Steroid Cycle +1 strength until next shore leave 0.5 2kcr
Whizz +2 agility, -1 intelligence on next test or until end of combat. Addictive. D6 supply 0.5 500cr
Holtzmann Field Reduces wounds from ranged attacks by 1 0.5 50kcr
Still suit 1/0 200cr
Interfacing Nanites Use when installing cyberware, do not test toughness to check for a serious injury 0.5 20kcr

Toxic: Each time you use this item, roll 1D10, if you roll under the number of times used since you last slept you are incapacitated and may take no further action, make a death save.

Addictive: Each time you use this item, roll 1D10, if you roll under the number of times used since you last slept you become addicted. Your stress cannot decrease on a day in which you have not used the item.


When you have cyberware installed test toughness. If you fail gain a serious injury.

Module Notes Cost
Skill soft Grants a specialism 100kcr
Bullet proof skin Permanently gain 1 armour point 100kcr
Ixian Eyes Thermal vision, 2X zoom, photographic capture 80kcr
Nanite Health System +1 Toughness 120kcr
Stim gland Same effect as stim pack when used 50kcr
Black box Records consciousness and allows restoring into a sleeve or advanced android 200kcr
Cybernetic limb +1 strength per limb 50kcr
Plasma 2 Bleeding out condition removed automatically after 1 turn 120kcr
Implanted Comms Device 10kcr
Overdriven nervous system +1 agility 80kcr

Terrestrial Vehicles

Name Notes Cost
Hoverbike Space for driver plus pillion passenger 4kcr
ATV Uncovered, carries 4 2kcr
Automobile Driverless car, carries 6 5kcr
Tractor 3 seats in cab, plus exterior flatbed with room for 1 cargo container 6kcr
APC Equipped with 30mm cannons, carries 10 plus driver 10kcr



Name Description Week Rate
Hideo Smith A diminutive man with black hair in a bowl haircut, clip on reflective glasses hide his cybernetic eyes. An expert hacker 400cr
HANS Human autonomous navigation system, HANS is an android pilot. Clad in a tailored Greenstar uniform with the labels removed 250cr
Naomi Nova Experience asteroid miner, with hair shaven on one side of her skull to reveal union glyph tattoos 300cr
Anders Berring Slicked back hair and broad shoulders, Anders wears a tactical shirt, with a service pistol in the holster on his hip 350cr
Sara McGraw A skilled engineer with shoulder length red hair and a bionic arm. Claims to have built a reactor at age 10 500cr
Gareth Cinder An expert in corporate law, retired from his firm and looking to explore the stars 400cr
Luigi Antoni Ex-marine, discharged for being drunk and disorderly 150cr
Helga West Ship captain, currently looking for a new commission after being made redundant. Wears a beaten up cap with a ship's patch "Typhoon" 350cr
Dr Lars Lindsey Wearing a worn out designer shirt, Lars has dark bags under his eyes. He claims he's just looking for a new start, and provides a (barely) valid medical practice card 250cr
Bob Hulman Chain smoking cigarettes, Bob wears a string vest and combats. Has a valid pilots license as well as experience operating industrial equipment 350cr


Item Rate
Blue collar 300cr/week
Casual work 200cr/week
Skilled contractor 800cr/week
Executive 2kcr/week
Hazard pay 1kcr/week
Jump bonus 1kcr x jump distance


Starships are made up of modules, the maximum number of modules a ship can have fitted is called its tonnage.

A starship must have at least one each of the following modules:

Each module should be assigned a number from 1 to the ship's tonnage to determine where in the ship it is located.

Ship tonnages are: 20, 12, 10, 8 and 6.

Based on the modules that a starship has it will have a score for the following three attributes:

Additionally starships have a disrepair:

Space Travel

Starships are capable of two forms of travel: Hyperspace and real space.

Starships are not capable of in atmosphere flight. Transport between a starship and the surface of planets is usually performed by shuttle or space elevator.

Hyperspace Travel

Starships with a jump drive module can enter a hyperlane at a jump point. Hyperlanes have a length and may be mapped or unmapped.

Mapped hyperlanes take D12 months X hyperlane length to traverse.

Unmapped Hyperlanes take D12 years X hyperlane length to traverse.

Cryo sleep protects humans from hyperspace distortion syndrome. Gain 1 stress every hour if out of cryo in hyperspace. Do not remove wounds and stress while in cryo sleep.

If a ship makes a hyperspace jump and there is not an android aboard to perform system maintenance roll a D20. If the value is equal or under the ship's current disrepair then consult the system fault table:

D20 System Fault
1 Auto-galley offline: Requires reboot
2 Ship computer text to speech offline: Requires repair
3 Auto door malfunction: All doors must be manually opened
4 Ship lighting offline: Emergency lighting only
5 Jump miscalculation: Double journey duration
6 Cryo system malfunction: Occupants experience an emergency resuscitation and take a wound
7 Life support offline: The crew awake to sub zero temperatures and stale air, life support must be rebooted manually
8 Radiator array damaged: Internal ship temperature of 50 degrees Celsius, requires EVA to repair
9 Fuel leak: A single unit of fuel remains in the system
10+ Lost in space: The ship arrives in a random system, add D20 years to journey duration

Real Space Travel

Travelling between stellar bodies that are not orbiting each other takes D3 weeks.


Engines and jump drives require fuel.

The maximum fuel a starship can store is equal to its tonnage.

The standard price for fuel is 50kcr, this includes maintenance overheads and other basic supplies required for the functioning of a ship (e.g. nutrient paste for the galley auto-chef).

Starship combat

The distance between ships is abstracted into four ranges:

Ship combat takes place when two vessels are at firing or visual range from each other.

When starship combat occurs, it falls into one of the two situations:

Ship Round

Ship combat takes place over ship rounds, with each round allowing a different number of player actions:

In a ship round the following happens:

Test Combat Type Success Failure
Manoeuvre Joust Gain a +2 bonus to counter-measures roll for this round Anyone not in cryo or strapped in to a seat must test agility or take 2 wounds
Manoeuvre Pursuit Increase or decrease the range between the ships by one level (e.g. firing to visual) Opposing ship chooses to increase or decrease the range between the ships by one level
Counter Measures Joust/Pursuit Negate any damage from enemy offense Take damage equal to the offense of the enemy starship
Open Fire Joust/Pursuit Enemy ship takes damage equal to offense N/A

Ship Damage

When a module has a single point of damage it is breached and decompresses.

Repairing a breached module takes a days work, and will require EVA to patch exterior hull damage.

When a module has more than one point of damage it is wrecked, consult the module table for the effect. Additionally anyone inside the module takes 2 wounds.

Wrecked modules must be repaired at a station, for a cost equal to 50% of the module cost (include any upgrades).

Ending Ship Combat

Ship combat ends:

Escape Pods


Name Notes Cost
Fighter Bomber Two seats, equipped with 30mm cannons, missiles and a pair of nuclear bombs. 500kcr
Flatbed Hauler Crew space for 10, exterior deck carries up to 20 cargo containers, includes a crane for loading and unloading. 150kcr
Escape Shuttle Crew space for 4, as well as 4 cryo pods. 150kcr
Executive Transport Crew space for 10, a small interior cargo bay, micro-galley and bar. 250kcr
Drop Ship Equipped with 30mm cannons, crew space for 30 + 2 pilots, interior cargo bay with room for a single cargo container. 500kcr

Ship Modules

The base cost of a ship is equal to 100kcr X the ship's tonnage, then add the cost of each individual module the ship is equipped with.

Module Notes Upgrades Critical Damage Cost/Upgrade Cost
Engines Enables real space travel. Required for manoeuvre. Race tuning, +1 to manoeuvre. Fire in the Hole: Engine catches fire and is unusable until repaired. Fire will spread to adjacent modules unless extinguished. 1mcr/500kcr
Reactor Meltdown: Ships reactor explodes in 5 minutes (real time). 1mcr
Bridge Contains control systems and ship computer, also houses a docking umbilical and external airlock. 5 Escape pods Ship AI. +1 to manoeuvre, counter-measures and offense -3 to all ship tests 1mcr/2mcr
Life support Provides oxygen, gravity and heating. The Big Freeze: Artificial gravity shuts down, oxygen runs out in D6 hours, temperature reaches absolute zero in 6D6 hours. 1mcr
Jump drive Enables hyperspace travel. No hyperspace travel 1mcr
Missile Battery Required to attack. +1 offense for each additional missile battery. Expend all missiles for a +1 bonus, must be resupplied before further use (20kcr). Dedicated targeting radar, additional +1 to offense. Magazine Detonation: Module wrecked and adjacent modules take a point of damage. 200kcr/100kcr
Cryo Deck 100 berths. Ejectable: Allows entire cryo deck to be ejected as a life raft. Will power all berths and emergency transponder for 1 year. Dead on Arrival: D100 berths are destroyed. 500kcr/500kcr
Laser Array Required for counter-measures tests. +1 counter-measures for each additional laser array. Decoy drone launcher, additional +1 to counter-measures. No counter-measures bonus 100kcr/50kcr
Crew Deck 10 cabins and cryo pods, as well as a galley and wash facilities. 10 Escape pods Rapid resus cryo pods, can awaken crew in as little as 5 minutes (usually takes around 1 hour). Cryo pods unusable 200kcr/100kcr
Executive Deck 4 spacious cabins with individual wash facilities and cryo pods, as well as a galley. 4 Escape pods Escape shuttle (in addition to any individual escape pods). Cryo pods unusable 500kcr/150kcr
Hangar Bay Space for large vehicles, or a large vehicle and a couple of shipping containers. Contains an external airlock. Workshop: Repair and basic manufacturing facilities. Airlock inoperative 100kcr/50kcr
Cargo Bay Holds up to 20 shipping containers. Contains an external airlock. Exterior cargo clamps, holds an additional 5 shipping containers on the external hull. Yodel: D20 shipping containers are destroyed or lost in space. 100kcr/50kcr
Science Bay Fully equipped laboratory. AI research assistant. Systems inoperative 500kcr/1mcr
Med Bay Fully stocked hospital with 10 beds with auto docs. 10 Escape pods Automated surgical pod. Systems inoperative 1mcr/1mcr
Assault Deck Contains an armoury and 5 assault pods suitable for planetary landing or boarding actions. Each pod can hold 20 personnel and must be retrieved by shuttle. Contains an external airlock. Assault pods have additional thrusters allowing them to re-enter orbit from a planet. Assault pod launchers inoperative 2mcr/500kcr
Fuel Reserve Increases ship maximum fuel supply by 20. Refinery: Capable of processing raw helium-3 into fuel. Radiation Leak: Module flooded with deadly radiation, adjacent modules are flooded with strong radiation, the rest of the ship is flooded with weak radiation. 100kcr/50kcr
Hydroponics bay Provides enough food for a crew of 10 to be sustained indefinitely.

Ship Catalogue

            Model: Solar Sailor                           
            Manufactrer: Titan Systems                    
            Tonnage: 6                                    
            Factory Cost: 4.8mcr + Optional module
            | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |   
                    | 5 | 6 |   

            1. Bridge
            2. Crew Deck
            3. Life Support
            4. Optional
            5. Reactor
            6. Engines

            Model: Pathfinder 
            Manufacturer: Arvus Industries
            Tonnage: 8
            Factory Cost: 6.1mcr + Optional module
                | 2 | 3 | 6 |      
            | 1 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8 |   

            1. Bridge
            2. Optional
            3. Hangar Bay
            4. Crew Deck
            5. Life Support
            6. Jump Drive
            7. Reactor
            8. Engines

            Model: Stellar Shark
            Manufacturer: Titan Systems 
            Tonnage: 8
            Factory Cost: 5.4mcr
                -----   -----   
                | 2 |   | 6 |   
            | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 |   
                | 4 |   | 8 |    
                -----   -----   

            1. Bridge
            2. Laser Array
            3. Crew Deck
            4. Missile Battery
            5. Life Support
            6. Hangar Bay
            7. Reactor
            8. Engines

            Model: Kraken
            Manufacturer: Titan Systems
            Tonnage: 20
            Factory Cost: 16.7mcr
            --------------------------------              ------  
            | 1 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 |              | 20 |  
            | 2 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |  
            | 3 |                                                 

            1. Missile Battery A
            2. Bridge.
            3. Laser Array A-B (3-4)
            5. Crew Deck
            6. Assault Decks A-C (6-8)
            9. Medical Bay
            10. Hangar Bay
            11. Cargo Bay
            12. Missile Batteries B-C (12-13)
            14. Cryo Decks A-C (14-16) 
            17. Life Support
            18. Reactor
            19. Engines
            20. Jump Drive

            Model: Sprinter
            Manufacturer: Arvus Industries
            Tonnage: 10
            Factory Cost: 6.6mcr
                -----   -----
                | 2 |   | 6 |               
            | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 10 |      
                | 4 |   | 8 |               
                -----   -----               

            1. Bridge
            2. Hangar Bay
            3. Crew Deck
            4. Life Support
            5. Reactor
            6. Cargo Bays A-C (6-8)
            9. Jump Drive
            10. Engines

            Model: Seer
            Manufacturer: Arvus Industries
            Tonnage: 12
            Factory Cost: 6.7mcr + Optional Modules
                -----                   ------   
                | 2 |                   | 10 |   
            | 1 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 |   
                | 4 |                   | 12 |   
                -----                   ------   

            1. Bridge
            2. Optional A
            3. Crew Deck
            4. Optional B
            5. Life Support
            6. Optional C-F (6-9)
            10. Engines
            11. Reactor
            12. Jump Drive

            Model: Highliner
            Manufacturer: Arvus Industries
            Tonnage: 12
            Factory Cost: 8.6mcr
            | 1 | 2 | 3 |                       
            | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |     
                    | 7 |            | 12 |     
                    -----            ------    

            1. Bridge
            2. Crew Deck
            3. Hangar Bay
            4. Cargo Bay
            5. Executive Deck
            6. Cry Decks A-C (6-8)
            9. Life Support
            10. Reactor
            11. Engines
            12. Jump Drive

            Model: Super Heavy                             
            Manufacturer: Arvus Industries                  
            Tonnage: 20                                    
            Factory Cost: 9.3mcr                            
            | 1 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 
                | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 17 | 19 |  
                                                    | 20 |   

            1. Bridge
            2. Crew Deck
            3. Laser Array
            4. Missile Battery
            5. Hangar Bay A
            6. Life Support
            7. Cargo Bays A-I (7-15)
            16. Hangar Bay B
            17. Fuel Reserve
            18. Jump Drive
            19. Reactor
            20. Engines